Today on The Motherhood Anthology Podcast, Kim is joined by the talented Brielle Pepper of Jacob & Brielle Photography. In a recent rebranding, Brielle and Jacob overhauled their website, social media, and pricing structure. These bold changes were essential to paving a way towards their desired profitability and sustainability in the motherhood photography industry. Today, Brielle graciously shares with Kim the brave steps they took to make this transformation, reveals how their clientele has responded to these significant adjustments, and shares their inspiring journey towards experiencing the winds of success shifting in their favor.

You can't help but be impressed by Jacob and Brielle's courageous decisions to implement substantial changes in their business and their candidness throughout the entire process. This episode offers you, the listener, a unique insight into the transitional phases that bridge the gap between making changes and reaping the rewards of those changes. Brielle also very graciously shared what the TMA membership means to her. While those doors are currently closed, we will be reopening them in the near future and would love to have you join us if you are not already a member.

Sign up for our email list and join our free, awesome community over on Facebook.


Willow Canvas is a mother-owned company that creates hand-painted, fine art backdrops designed to transform your photography. They are currently offering a 10% discount off your purchase when you sign up for their newsletter at You can also find Willow Canvas on Instagram @willow_canvas

The CapABLE Community provides the ultimate course to equip photographers with the knowledge and skills to work with children who have special needs as well as their families. You can take advantage of a $50 discount off their course by using the code “TMA” when you purchase the course at You can also connect with The CapABLE Community on Instagram @TheCapABLECommunity!


  • OUR EMAIL LIST – This is where you will be the first to hear when new content and opportunities are made available, so be sure to sign up for our email list here!
  • OUR COMMUNITY – Join our fun, FREE, collaborative Facebook community.  Here you will find a group of like-minded, motherhood photography business owners.  Request to join, and be sure to say, “Hello!”
  • SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST – If you have not already subscribed to our podcast... you absolutely should!  We come out with a new episode every Tuesday morning that is created specifically for motherhood photography business owners.  And, while you are there, we would love for you to leave us a rating and review!

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