Photographer Spotlight | Melissa Arlena Photography

Photographer Spotlight: Melissa Arlena

Location: Miami, FL

What's in your camera bag & what's your favorite lens? 

Canon R6 28-70 2.0L RF Canon 5dmk3 Canon 50 1.2L 3 Flashes I loved my 50 1.2 on my 5dmk3 but I've since switched to the 28-70 for my my R6. I thought I'd be a prime girl forever but the convenience of the zoom in tight nursery spaces has made it way easier than constantly switching lenses!

What is your favorite thing to do when you're not working?

Sailing with my family! We have a 40' sailboat that we are anxious to bring down to South Florida soon. In years past we spent every weekend possible on the boat sailing the Chesapeake Bay!

Who inspires you?

Elizabeth Messina has always been the big name that inspires me! But I will say the girls in TMA are crazy talented and inspire me to be better!

What makes your brand unique?

The cliché answer is Me! But it's true, I offer very similar services to other photographers so the difference really comes down to clients connecting with me and my work. That connection means that I then get to see those clients year after year for family photos and when siblings are born and I love it!

What's your favorite aspect of your business?

It's definitely the long term relationships! I have clients I've photographed for 6 or more years. I've watched their kids grow up in front of my lens and that is an honor. I've been there for some clients from their engagement photos to wedding to 1st baby and then to annual family photos. Those relationships mean the world to me!

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed with starting out?

Figure out what you love to shoot. You can shoot everything when you first get started but then really narrow in on what brings you joy when you are behind the camera. Then say NO to those sessions that don't make you happy!

What's your Starbucks drink?

I'm a weirdo in that I don't like coffee! So if I'm at Starbucks I'm usually ordering a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate!

Where can we find your work?



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