Photographer Spotlight | Morgan Williams

Photographer Spotlight: Morgan Williams

Location: Raleigh, NC

What's in your camera bag & what's your favorite lens? 

Canon R6, Canon EF 50mm 1.2, Canon RF 35mm 1.8, Pentax 645n, 75mm lens My favorite lens is my Canon 50mm 1.2!

Who inspires you?

When it comes to other photographers, Brooke Schultz hands down. I admire the feeling in her work so much. When it comes to what specifically inspires my own work, though, it's my own family. Even though I am most definitely an active participant in the interactions that happen inside my own home, I'm also an observer. I frequently take notice when I feel myself inside of an intimate or joyful but fleeting moment with my children or when I see my husband involved in one. Many of those moments inform the photos I create for my clients.

What is your favorite thing to do when you're not working?

Spending time with my family! With four young boys, two of those being 10 month old twins, it's often loud and chaotic when we're all together. But watching my kids interact with each other and seeing the older boys' bonds form with the twins is the SWEETEST thing. Don't get me wrong - it's mostly pure chaos in our house! But those sweet moments that are born out of it make it all worth it.

What makes your brand unique?

My work is much more about how family *feels* rather than how it looks. As such, my goal is never perfection. I prioritize capturing the intricacies and bonds in relationships over following the traditional "rules" of photography. I prioritize my clients wearing pieces that reflect who they are rather than choosing the blush maxi dress simply because it's a safe choice that will photograph well. I'm much more concerned with creating images that my clients will feel the heartbeat of their family through half a century from now than following the current trends, because in my opinion, that's how I can serve them best with the skill set I've been given.

What's your favorite aspect of your business?

Making moms feel seen is my favorite. As moms, we do the most thankless work. It can be exhausting, monotonous and seemingly invisible at times. To be able to photograph a mom in the way her children actually see her so that she, too, can see it is so special. Because even on days when we feel that we've totally dropped the ball and failed as moms, our kids never see us in that light. They see all that we *did* do and all the love that we poured out on them. And moms deserve photos of themselves that reflect that.

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed with starting out?

Get honest with yourself. Why are you doing this? What lights you up? What is it that you photograph that moves you to tears? Focus on THAT, even if it's not what everyone else is doing. We live in a world where the opportunity to compare ourselves to what everyone else is doing is constantly at our fingertips. And so, it's incredibly easy to look at what everyone else is doing, how they're shooting, what they're shooting, how they're editing, what their clients are wearing and think that you need to do those things too to be successful. It's simply NOT true. Yes, they have clients who appreciate what they do. But you know what? Your future clients are out there too just waiting for you to share your very unique perspective with the world and capture their story through it. So silence the comparison (even if that means stepping away from social media for a while!), and instead, lean into the things that move you in the deepest parts of your heart and soul. That, my friend, is what you were created to create, and you will shine when you stop resisting it and instead choose to live into it.

What's your Starbucks drink?

Sweet cream cold foam cold brew, even though remembering a six word title for a drink can be problematic for me!

Where can we find your work?



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