What is in your camera bag?

Nikon D850 Nikon 35mm 1.2 for newborns Nikon 85mm 1.4 for families Einstein flash for indoor work!

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't working?

Spending time with my husband of 8 years and our three kiddos ages 6, 4, and almost 2! We are busy! My husband is mostly a Stay at Home Dad, but also has a small business of a Track and Field Club, so you can find us at track meets with my husband and son, dance recitals for my daughter, and chasing the toddler everywhere inbetween!

Who inspires you?

So many people! Sara Blakely has to be at the top, though. Her perisistence, work ethic, and ability to question whats possible for women is incredible!

What makes your brand unique?

I started by serving a more niche audience (clients with disabled children) and then grew into serving all families! I also value my client experience more than the resulting images. In college I worked for starbucks and customer service in Amazon. I take the foundations of customer care I learned with those companies and apply them to my own business everyday!

What is your favorite aspect of your business and what you do?

For CapABLE- seeing photographers get confident in serving all families! Also seeing moms using our directory to find photographers and make their lives a little easier. For Stephanie Fassler Photography- I love shooting, but I love business more! I love to look at trends I have noticed in my business, review previous year’s success and “dream date” future paths to success!

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed and just starting out?

1.) Don’t be gear poor. I made my first 6-figures on a used $400 camera and a $200 lens. Getting really good with lower quality gear will make you a better photographer when you can afford the bells and whistles! 2.) Find what you love and focus on that. If you don’t know your niche yet, your nunber one job should be to find it! Try anything and everything! 3.) LOVE your clients. Serve with love. Assume everyone has your best interests in mind and the rest will fall into place.

What's your Starbucks drink?

Iced Caramel Macchiato 

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