Lavender Fig Photography – Fresno California Photographer


I’m Stephanie and I specialize in capturing families love in a unique and authentic way. A way that makes your heart burst every time you walk the hallways of your home adorned with your families images. A way that makes you feel like everything is right in the world, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at that moment. A way that you will cherish for years to come and pass down to generations upon generations. Our sessions are filled with adventures, often walking around a pretty field, chasing that gorgeous golden hour light. They are relaxed, easy going, and oh so fun! 

Just a little bit about me.. I never set out to become a professional photographer. This career just kind landed in my lap like the best ones seem too. As a child, I had always dreamed of becoming a special education teacher. After completing my teaching credential and my masters in special education I taught at the elementary level for five years. I absolutely adored teaching but then I had my second son and decided to stay home and pursue photography, as a creative outlet, while still allowing me to be fully present with my children. It has quickly morphed into what it is today, Lavender Fig Photography, and I have loved every single second of it.

My husband along with our two little boys and a girl on the way reside in the outskirts of Fresno, CA. 

Session Details:

For two weeks out of every year the almond trees in the Central Valley of California produce the most magical white blooms. Sarah, the mother, and I decided they would be the perfect backdrop for their session. It was important to me to capture the love and gentleness that Sarah and Campbell have for one another. Their special bond was evident during their entire session and it was a blessing to not only be able to witness it but to also be able to capture it. I know these images will be something that Sarah will treasure forever. 

Gear Used: 

-Sony A7rII

-Zeiss 35mm/1.4  

Social Media/Website:

-Instagram: @lavender.fig

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