
Jommy is a wedding photographer and motherhood photographer based in Tampa, Florida.
Family love is a powerful, extraordinary gift.
Small moments of connection between people who are closest have always caught my eye and tugged at my heartstrings.
Especially as a transplant from Bangkok to New York City and then from New York City to Tampa, I know the immeasurable value of time spent with those you love.
So, when I realized I could marry my love for design with the moments that matter most. Photography is my heart. 

Session Details:

This beautiful mama flew from Chicago on their babymoon trip to Clearwater Beach. It was a joyful way to capture this moment for a new parent.
Annette and Marcus have been together for over 5 years and have been waiting to be parents for a couple of years!
On the day of the session it rained out, but we drove to another beach for around 10 mins. Another beach was clear out, so we got a chance to capture these new parent moments on the beach.
I’m so grateful that we didn’t give up and cancel this session just because it’s raining on another beach. Marcus was so sweet during the session.
I can see he is going to be the sweetest dad.
Annette said “I was nervous to become a mother but now that I am quite close, I have learned to embrace my changing body and love every little kick I'm feeling from my baby boy. We are very excited overall.”

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