Sometimes it helps to see someone walking the road of photography business ownership that is experiencing great success!  That is what our “Success Story” series is all about on The Motherhood Anthology Podcast.  Today, we have another success story featuring Marisa Stone, owner of Marisa Stone Photo.

Marisa has been a member of The Motherhood Anthology membership since its inception.  And, we are delighted to have her on this episode.  Today, Marisa is sharing so candidly her journey from full-time speech pathologist to a thriving career in photography, her original life’s passion. 

Marisa’s passion for photography began in grade school.  After pursuing a career outside of photography, she decided to return to her original passion.  With a desire to forge her own path outside of the norms of what society deems a safe and wise career choice, Marisa is proof that with hard work, dedication, and passion, your career can be what you dream and make of it.  In this episode, Marisa gives three tips for new photography business owners:

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