Photographer Spotlight | Paige Forden

Photographer Spotlight: Paige Kushner (Forden)

Location: Denver, CO

What's in your camera bag & what's your favorite lens? 

My primary camera is a Contax 645 with a Zeiss 80mm f/2 lens. I have a Fuji GFX 50R with a Zeiss 80mm (using the Fringer adapter) for my digital work. The Zeiss 80mm is my favorite lens — it’s painterly and produces the most magical images! Also in my bag is a light meter and lots of film — I’m still working through a stash of Fuji 400H, and a bunch of Kodak Portra 400 and 800.

Who inspires you?

I actually started working in photography as a fashion & street-style photographer many years ago. I got to go to New York Fashion weeks for a few years, and working in the city was really inspirational. Bill Cunningham, who was a legendary NYC fashion street-style (and mostly film) photographer was probably the first artist I drew inspiration from, and I still look back at his work today. He had an amazing way of photographing movement and the female body. Elizabeth Messina’s work is also so unique and romantic, and I’m always struck by her angles/posing/composition.

What makes your brand unique?

Gosh, that's hard. I'm obsessed with details, I think they're so important when creating a luxury brand and client experience. I've spent so much time refining everything that my clients touch, see, hear... before our session even happens! They feel very taken care of, educated about whats to come and also honored in this season of their life. When you pour yourself into your clients like that, I think it makes your brand stand out among the rest. I also embrace the film narrative, and I incorporate it into every aspect of my business (social media, branding, web content, client deliverables). I (personally) consider film to be the most true form of photography as an art, so I want to reach clients who value film too.

What's your favorite aspect of your business?

I love all of the touch points I have with my clients. It starts with a call to get to know them a bit better, followed by a beautiful welcome package containing a printed client guide and wardrobe selections. The session itself is always a favorite, and product delivery seals the experience.

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed with starting out?

Stay true to yourself and know your niche, whatever that may be. It's cliche, but I feel like I wasted years photographing things that didn't serve me or my business well. Clients will hire you for what you show them. If you don't want to photograph extended families, don't share those sessions -- it's also OK to say no altogether. And with consistency and patience, your ideal clients will come!

What's your Starbucks drink?

Triple tall cappuccino!

Where can we find your work?



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