Photographer Spotlight | Katie Lamb

Photographer Spotlight: Katie Lamb

Location: Dallas, TX

What's in your camera bag & what's your favorite lens? 

Canon R6, 50mm 1.2L, (and a backup set), lens hood (a must for the way I shoot), fabric tape and safety pins (for emergencies).

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't working?


I'm a wife and mom of three little ones, so much of my time is spent with them. I also love to work out every day (weight lifting + kickboxing are my go-to!), go hiking and exploring with my kids, pretend I'm a gardener (I'm terrible, but love learning and trying!), and DIY home projects.

Who inspires you?

For me, it's more a matter of WHAT inspires me than who. I am inspired by nature and being outdoors. I love appreciating, admiring, and enjoying the incredible creation all around us.

What makes your brand unique?

I love video, and my photography brand is built largely around my session films as well. The majority of my clients receive one with their session which includes a tangible linen video album to display on their coffee table alongside their photo album. 🙂

What's your favorite aspect of your business?

A large part of my business now is education for other photographers which is the part I am especially passionate about. I love helping others out of their frustrations, hurdles, and pain points and watching them have "ah-ha" moments in their businesses!

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed with starting out?

Invest in your business from the beginning - whether that's through reading business books, taking courses, or pursuing a mentorship with a photographer or business leader you trust. You can save many years of frustration, lack of profit, burn out, etc. by learning to run a BUSINESS and not just be someone who takes pretty pictures. 🙂 I also recommend setting boundaries and systems in your business from day one to separate your personal life from your business. You'll never look back on your life and wish you had worked MORE.

What's your Starbucks drink?

Cold brew with almond milk.

Where can we find your work?




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