Photographer Spotlight | Ginnifer Heinrichs

Photographer Spotlight: Ginnifer Heinrichs

Location: Oklahoma

What's in your camera bag & what's your favorite lens? 

Lots of film! I love using my Contax & occasionally a Canon !V with a 35 mm lens

Who inspires you?

I feel like I am just completely surrounded by inspiration! My children, motherhood in general, nature's beauty and God's grace. I feel that motherhood is a ministry and I always try to keep that in the forefront of my mind and within my shooting style.

What makes your brand unique?

I feel like my brand is unique because I am unique and so are my clients! No session is the same, no clients are the same. I simply come into a session, let them lead and capture moments of the mother's story as she would want to remember + a little bit of whimsy. These are her miracles and I want that reflected in my work.

What's your favorite aspect of your business?

Gosh, there are so many things! I love meeting the sweetest moms and learning their story of motherhood. It's such a honor to be the one to photograph their life, their truth. I love to serve others and photography really gives me that opportunity! Also, being able to work around my families schedule is amazing!

What business advice would you give to someone overwhelmed with starting out?

Be patient - practice, practice, practice! Don't try to photograph like anyone else. Be you! Photograph what you love, and say no to the things you don't. It isn't necessary for me to have a ton of equipment either. I usually come to a session with one film camera, lots of film and an open mind. I'm here to serve the mother. So, I will do everything I can to bring out her beauty in photographs.

What's your Starbucks drink?

Hot Cocoa

Where can we find your work?



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