Kahla Kristen Photography | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Hi I'm Kahla! I am a newborn, motherhood and family photographer based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am a mother of two who treasures the in-between moments. The middle of the night snuggles on your chest, the feeling of your toddler's hand in yours, the messy face kisses... these are the things I want to always remember about this season of life. Raising two sweet - and sometimes salty - girls alongside my husband, it is my greatest desire to document every little detail so that I can always be transported back to this magical time in our lives. 

Session Details:

This session was so relaxed and enjoyable. Mom had found me just a few days prior and we quickly began planning our time together to capture her second baby girl. Due a few weeks early, she was just itty bitty, sleepy and oh-so-sweet. My favorite part of the session was connecting with big sister - who was a bit shy, but a wonderful assistant! - and watching her complete admiration for her new baby. There is truly nothing like sisters, and I could see a beautiful connection already forming, even in the very first week of baby's life.

Gear Used: 

-Pentax 645n

-Nikon f100

-Nikon d750

-Portra 400

-Ilford 3200

-Photo Lab: Canadian Film Lab

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